
It didn't. Not for her at least.I remain shocked that my wife was cool with it. The truth is that she was very okay with her mother and I hooking up as long as A) she never caught us and B) her mother was the only other woman for me. Those conditions were super easy to stick to but, like I said above, months after the confession, the affair became less fun and we just kind of lost the desire to continue it.We both realized it was over this winter. My in-laws as well as my sister-in-law and her. The journey took as long as the drive from Reading, which is nearly three times a greater distance.I was lingering over a cup of coffee in the refectory — that's Academia's name for the canteen – killing time until the bus to Bulford Camp left from outside the college. I was actually thinking of Lorna Gordon, and wondering if she and her 'dapper Sapper' Felix were still shagging each other's brains out twice a week, when I heard a female voice behind me say."Des! You never did get back in touch. It made me more excited to know she didn't really want to but was coming anyway. I don't have an explanation for that, either.As we passed in front of Dad, Mom whispered, "We'll wake Dad." No we won't. Anyway, he loves to hear us play."Mom couldn't argue with that but appeared ready to. Just then, Dad spoke. "Play something long and slow for me." He didn't even open his eyes or give any other indication that he was awake.Startled, both Mom and I said, "Sure," at the same time.Mom stopped by the. Maybe in their mid 30's, they seemed to have kept themselves nicely.After about 20 minutes of talking, and noticing Angie eying the crotch of my thong, she looks over and nervously asks if she can see my cock. Well? What's a gent to do? After all she's wanting me, and she don't look bad herself. I know Merry won't have a problem with it. So I glance at Al to see if he's OK with it. He gives a nod of assent, so standing, I step close in to Angie. She runs her hands up and down the bulge feeling.
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